Hajdú-Bihar County Government

//Hajdú-Bihar County Government
Hajdú-Bihar County Government 2021-04-15T15:58:59+02:00


Pajna Zoltán
Chairman of the General Assembly
Phone: 52/507-519
Fax: 52/507-514
e-mail: elnok@hbmo.hu

Bulcsu László
Vice-President of the General Assembly
Phone: 52/507-522
Fax: 52/507-514
e-mail: alelnok@hbmo.hu

Tasi Sándor
Vice-President of the General Assembly
Phone: 52/507-522
Fax: 52/507-514
e-mail: alelnok@hbmo.hu


Economic prosperity, new jobs, better living conditions

These are the aims of the 260 billion HUF EU funds, which will allow more than 2.200 development projects to be realized in Hajdú-Bihar county in the period of 2014-2020. The county local government, as a bridge between resources and economy actors, informs entrepreneurs about tender opportunities. And it is connected with hundreds of employers in the county through the Employment Pact.

In Hajdú-Bihar county, 99 billion HUF is available from the resources of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program (GINOP). The Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP) has signed a grant agreement worth about 14 billion HUF so far, while the Regional and Municipal Development Operational Program (TOP) has contributed to developments with almost 91 billion HUF. From the Human Resource Development Operational Program (EFOP) the county received 56 billion HUF and almost 260 million HUF is received from Rural Development Programs.

The future goal of the Hajdú-Bihar County Government is to bring more foreign investment and domestic reinvestment to the county. Hajdú-Bihar has a historic opportunity. Many large foreign companies have decided to bring part of their production to Debrecen. These companies often require their suppliers to be in their vicinity, that is why it is important for county towns and county industrial parks to work together. The county’s regional development program is an instrument for this.

Our vision: „By 2030 Hajdú-Bihar county will preserve its natural values and builds on the cooperation, talents and traditions of the local communities to provide a sustainable, balanced and quality living environment for its rural inhabitants that takes advantage of Debrecen’s stimulating economy and job creation.“

All of this is helped by the county vocational-development concept and the Hungarian Village Program. The Hungarian Village Program is aiming villages with less than 5.000 inhabitants, and for 2019 the program has a budget of 150 billion HUF.

Website of the Hajdú-Bihar County Government.