Agriculture 2019-09-02T18:59:44+02:00

Agriculture in Hajdú-Bihar county

Hajdú-Bihar County, with its 6.210,88 km² area, is one of the major counties of Hungary, occupying 6.7% of the country’s territory. In the county, the growing area is 525,2 thousand hectares, is the most important natural resource of the county. Cereal and industrial crop production play a decisive role in the county’s agricultural production. Among cereals, maize, green peas and sweet corn has the largest sowing area.


The sowing structure of the county was heavily influenced by extreme and unusual weather conditions in 2018; for example the elongated winter weather, the high rainfall in spring and the resulting inland situation, plus the sudden warming of May.

Among cereals, sowing area of wheat has increased over recent years, with maize and sunflower decreasing. The area of rapeseed after the fall in the decade in 2018 exceeded the national level by 61% compared with years of 2012-2016. Other cereals, like rye, barley, triticale, oats, the drought in May restrained the growth. Sugar beet cultures have a medium-good harvest. The quality was typically good and the sugar concentration was high. Potato growers achieved significantly less harvests than last year.

In the area of vegetable cultivation, sweet corn and green peas have always played a decisive role in the county. Both plants have a high profitability rating, but their cultivation costs are higher as well, than the standard plants. Sweet corn is the highest quantity produced industrial crop in Hungary, with its 13.000 hectares of cultivated area of ​​Hajdú-Bihar. 95% of sweet corn products are exported.

In the county there are several fruit and vegetable crop landscapes, like the bordering region with Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. Apple, cherry and plum are the leading fruits of the county. In the last years, significant plum and nut orchards have been created. Pear, hazelnut, cherry, quince and buckthorn orchards show a slight increase. The area for peach and strawberry has decreased. The new goals of plantations include the partial replacement of old plantations and creating new plantations with blackberries, buckthorn, and blackberries without thorns.

There is a permanent grassland area of ​​110.657 hectares in the supported area of ​​114.093 hectares of the county, and there is 3.436 hectares of temporary grassland area.

97% of the grasslands are grazed by livestock farmers and the remaining 3% is mowed.


 The weight of the county is outstanding both in the production of livestock and in the production of agricultural products related to livestock industry. A significant proportion of the country’s livestock is held by farmers in our county (for example, between 12-23% of the national animal population, 23% of sheep).

Between 2010-2018, the following trends are observed in livestock:

The total number of cattle shows a steady growth in Hungary, there is a 25% increase since 2010. The stock of cattle is 880.000 in 2018, that is 16.000 more than last year. In many cases, the dairy sector generated losses due to low buy-up prices. Because of the low buy-up prices, only the large-scale, automated feed-in farms can generate income.

The total number of pigs was 2.9 million in 2018, 1.9% higher than last year. The stock of mothers grew by 4.1% in one year and the amount is 179,000.

The number of sheep has fluctuated in recent years, it has risen in 2017, then declined again in 2018. This species has the highest proportion in our country, with almost one fifth of the national population. There is no tradition of lamb consumption in Hungary. The vast majority of lambs are exported, mostly to the Italian market. Wool processing has ceased in Hungary for years, thus the total quantity is exported.

The country’s hen stock was 34.7 million in June 2018, 9.2% more compared to 2017.

The 11 million egg-laying stock became 5.2% less. In the county, the increase in hen stock has reached 22 % in 2018.

Fish farming in Hortobágy covers about 20% of domestic fish production.

The situation of forest and wildlife management shows a more favorable picture due to the fact that the area of forests has doubled in the county in the last decade.

The most important player in forest management in the county is the Nyírerdő Zrt., which manages a significant part of the state forests of Nyírség, and operates four forestries in Hajdú-Bihar.

The Gúthi Forest (7,818 ha) is decorated with a 5,175 hectare Gúthi forest block, which includes the largest, closed-flowered oak tree of the Alföld and one of the most beautiful acorns of Nyírség. In addition to the forestries in Debrecen (8,600 ha) and Haláp (7,100 ha), it is necessary to mention the forestry in Hajdúhadház, which covers 5,200 hectares of land outside of Nyírség. In terms of hunting, the area’s most famous hunting area is the Gúthi Forest, which lies between Nyíradony and Nyíracsád.

Gúth is not only renowned for the two Fallow deer world records, but also for being the only hunting ground in the world that has won the CIC, the Edmond Blanc Award of the International Wildlife Refuge Organization twice.

In Hortobágy, the richness of the small wild animals attracts hunters from around the world.

Hajdú-Bihar county has an outstanding potencial for irrigation, 2/3 of its area is a potencial area for irrigation development. Nearly half of all the Hungarian water management investments and developments for irrigation will be affected in the county and will be implemented between 2020 and 2030 according to preliminary plans.

Irrigation development

The Hajdú-Bihar County Self-Government gives priority to the continuous monitoring of the county’s agricultural situation. Based on the summary of the Hajdú-Bihar county aspects of the National Irrigation Development Strategy prepared by the Hajdú-Bihar County Organization of the National Chamber of Agriculture (hereinafter: NAK), the following can be said about the county’s irrigation development:

The document entitled “Hajdú-Bihar county’s Aspects of Irrigation Development Strategy” describes the current situation of water management and irrigation and the obstacles to its development.

The document emphasizes the need for irrigation development in agricultural areas and details the specific measures and developments related to water management. The development of agricultural infrastructure is difficult because of the outdated condition of water facilities, the excessive administration and cost of obtaining permits for irrigation and the fragmented land structure. The long-term goal is the coordinated development of agricultural production and water management, on a way where they do not endanger each other.

Ensuring water supply for agricultural land is a priority in several respects. Taking into account the trend of recent years, two major problems can be mentioned that need to be addressed in the field of irrigation development in a well-considered environmentally friendly way.

One of the factor was come to light by the overview of the National Meteorological Service’s data (OMSZ). According to this, there has been a 10 percent drop in rain quantity in the country over the last 110 years, a process that is taking place in parallel with the rise in average temperatures.

This process means an increased lenght of droughts over time. Another major problem is the extreme temporal and spatial distribution of water resources, which further increases the risk of inland water and drought in Hungary. As a result of this process, there may be inland water damage and drought in a given area, even in a given year, which can severely harm farmers engaged in agricultural activities.

Nationally, even in the driest years, only 2 percent of agricultural land is irrigated. In the case of Hajdú-Bihar county, the irrigation capabilities are outstanding nationally due to the availability of the existing water management systems and the excellent soil conditions.

In Hajdú-Bihar county there are 740 farmers with water rights, which means 25,000 hectares of irrigated area. According to the tendency of the last years, farmers used irrigation in 40-50% of the irrigable area. In the county, mainly linear and center irrigation systems are used along with hose reel irrigation.

In addition to favorable geographical conditions (due to among other things, the existence of the Eastern Main Canal and favorable terrain), there are also factors that hinder the development of irrigation.

In summary, in Hajdú-Bihar county the natural opportunities are greatly available to increase the irrigability of agricultural land, but efforts must be made to develop a well-considered strategy that is acceptable and applicable to all actors.

Cultivated crops and sowing areas in 2018 (hectars)

Plant cultures – Sowing areasHajdú-Bihar megyeÁlmosdÁrtándBagamérBakonszegBalmazújvárosBárándBedõBerekböszörményBerettyóújfaluBihardancsházaBiharkeresztesBiharnagybajomBihartordaBocskaikertBojtCsökmõDarvasDebrecenDerecskeEbesEgyekEsztárFolyásFöldesFurtaFülöpGáborjánGörbeházaHajdúbagosHajdúböszörményHajdúdorogHajdúhadházHajdúnánásHajdúsámsonHajdúszoboszlóHajdúszovátHencidaHortobágyHosszúpályiKabaKismarjaKokadKomádiKonyárKörösszakálKörösszegapátiLétavértesMagyarhomorogMezõpeterdMezõsasMikepércsMonostorpályiNádudvarNagyhegyesNagykerekiNagyrábéNyírábrányNyíracsádNyíradonyNyírmártonfalvaPocsajPolgárPüspökladánySápSárándSárrétudvariSzentpéterszegSzerepTéglásTépeTetétlenTiszacsegeTiszagyulaházaToldÚjirázÚjlétaÚjszentmargitaÚjtikosVámospércsVáncsodVekerdZsáka
Permanent Lawn (Mowed)25 724374032171575100142966112810629812937976356802485108184201691522256703063321601 304148311 9711073892592941 10555742263457944923373257648285150921 966764368485675460293641 0096016183147181471132581192475457119432313086917817222
Permanent Lawn (Grazed)85 24766182363166 987547594143 284662112282313067408466391 380231 2301054925881 0004001502 0503111 791501532 4514163 6468327215 38528555877946695470151327810444655792513417 6732 621558064661441002522071 4403 047323171357170157212931583 97110158381704 4338151909091802 596
Sweet potato160001131
Sweet sorghum2121
Sugar beet1 104262816111831010621222111140213
Sweet Onions26922121
Sweet Corn12 9119423265913222231 46737757828333124443149172 310772131 4272 2261851420722452572277465897807219811781256412817876321822
Sweet Grape wineyard331
Cherry oak forest3333
Ornamental and forest nursery148234202412143422113121110318
Tobacco - Burley4242215632212311
Tobacco - Virgina3662037
Other wine grape vineyards6020101000
Other foliage with mixed cherry oak4923197
Other short coppice541
Other arable crops1422234
Energy grass52251
Perennial rye201122149
White mustard251141293081311261918802714206411
White clover9910188
White flowered sweet lupine (for feed purpose)1063
Black walnut121434
Canary seed1414
Grass clover11641412174143122331112457727
Grass lucerne91715591448162261492422002725712024141322816351245431827936287021197
Grass bound733
Fruit Tree Nursery64615210121
Traditional sour cherries707
Domestic poplar1013031000010
Domestic poplar-acacia753339814027
Domestic poplar-pedunculate oak11101
Domestic poplar-noble22
Hybrid maize10371
Hybrid sunflower2 1315314523447175207184640117237107200
Temporary lawn (mowed)1211000
Temporary Lawn (Grazed)1 92011317345664545672796147121187262327861202073463229924219545331510479512627261072343163415321000145010562991145611719302
Christmas tree plantation212048143
Blue Flower Sweet Lupine (For Green Fertilization)1511008401
Galega Orientalis11
Mix culture33
Saucer oak32216918147921317184190311215161541422213220
Willow tree14012201021031000
Ash tree1818
Ash oak15411
Purple onion90 7571 1533748034683 1558892159612 5498266697444895320176504 9261 9752 9584755442661 946734331839346288 4053 1551 0515 6484984 5072 5895411901 7062 5686282781 6326772857632 970484200897015902 6662 3867601 5762785478173051 2094542 650357560701507946927448866514207146525664315256337936291
Lucerne fermented feed23 7643116291721 010330232521 139115903791269112211536673033956224034013444910273495761 7092551101 225119591981941 1932052329722438243120169144258102295113668106061384901541331391051677361 146695026210644447107117431446212185162087319754436
Lucerne green fodder80111118126752144429111420922
Bee pasture11
Bluebell (Phacelia)1371194264111
Quality wine grape wineyard66
Reed-like fescue811013001
Poplar-noble tree54 7443543632042449303321958221 854397331 153287744217645042 2279301 1791 737381364169317425148393204 1271 4334902 4372171 8988635552438009134921212 9902912197741 2786032032034872181 4597694731 21017138214597397482 4212501798432696444051993507021642193502032625116740090523
Poplar-noble-home poplar22
Oil Radish1283
Oil Pumpkin77
Italian ryegrass68413155263410333210112116927767621522511
Autumn barley38612710227161941613
Autumn wheat33
Autumn durum wheat9 942481511016814360414021752169162709117504108174424314215995941245261689311927337582117137110744174739372507514141771565813051196403514319885275321710311463692895611301130882406300
Autumn wheat
56 8392043341823201 6756871925931 437741 10085226663761 3603662 2909891 4672 1313292888615417363796913 352969472 19141 593367409496352524530922 8972101985911 1406933283423531121 8649324311 44015616286591 2752 3292582581 4753361 1291931794041 59943747311935865366145091521 074
Autumn durum wheat
Autumn garlic
Autumn cabbage rape
7 05869391502521172170428330181871051923103598216087144125288121711670179192187222114388419892918924524118177553704250894720101103584114173412
Autumn fodder peas
Autumn emmer wheat
Autumn spelt wheat
Autumn triticale
4 730265598338922523214371777337915262381155146132112228158792362157131984105153105010142391551425764455153910591253971313116789287113212601476122168335154680
Autumn onions
Autumn oats
Autumn green peas132074
Maize for popcorn
Persian clover
Parsley root (turnip)
Fallow area
6 74117130572940419136396225375373061133343338181217727425510661761254417410723116231464941154224318656116621817394022125109232123113251108305125652258321169321252108148391313975104416119
Field mustar
Rye1 2571710133921731048411111105134215316201732185163443114647410210210938
Sorghum for silage
Maize for silage
5 7211334016234463269591336107314130152232018856590783781016723136577717240613710595317332599121341059212213618
Spaghetti squash220
Dry beans
Dry peas (Yellow peas)
Birdsfoot trefoil
Russian vetch
Sudanese marigold2112151691521516621422217161960271
Fodder vetch (Spring vetch)
Fodder beet
Lucerne with alfalfa
Spring barley
Spring wheat982612026114114525117
Spring durum wheat
Spring cabbage rape
Spring fodder peas
Spring triticale
Spring onion
Spring oat
1 34212124731121232177512210267125417192226542216134132654110279511131181835285233126264221015344216178263021
Spring green peas
4 742335932412825910817874251 1091071411 05881643725101166603213874643143356172
Horseradish1 080597914889185241199311186221164
Oak-Ask forest
Mixed orchard
Mixed utilization
Red oak
Red clover
Green peas65526588416278752350
Green fallow culture3 4041569421518041692846287751234410951351273175607206102941102315115331184218814934651611054131226144115369539143593121886122538

Source: NAK

Growing area data (2010, ha)

SettlementArea of forestsArea of lawn areasArea of orchardsArea of fishpondsArea of kitchen gardensArea of agricultural landArea of reedsArea of arable landArea of vineriesSize of growing areas
Álmosd230,2382,782,430,0022,61868,120,94758,321,591 099,29
Ártánd7,0032,600,000,003,831 946,270,001 909,840,001 953,27
Bagamér641,55264,651,000,0010,511 766,800,001 478,8811,062 408,35
Bakonszeg49,42748,530,270,005,682 283,120,001 528,340,192 332,54
Balmazújváros61,824 483,9529,110,006,1612 833,901 037,418 310,541,7413 933,13
Báránd9,63497,890,320,004,513 139,340,142 636,360,253 149,11
Berekböszörmény75,80593,790,030,0014,153 377,430,002 769,170,293 453,23
Berettyóújfalu180,564 574,1510,205,5016,3014 545,355,359 940,492,2914 736,75
Biharkeresztes222,90914,810,160,009,736 259,300,005 334,260,346 482,20
Biharnagybajom45,70890,616,230,0018,735 171,642,004 255,550,405 219,34
Bihartorda36,51286,130,000,003,101 683,280,001 393,380,181 719,78
Csökmõ55,79819,670,230,0010,303 560,590,002 729,920,053 616,38
Darvas279,03505,390,00277,423,023 411,230,222 902,810,003 967,90
Debrecen12 192,2614 538,30656,87459,6585,8248 331,26154,8732 870,1871,1061 138,04
Derecske33,392 454,36162,490,0021,3510 000,3534,127 323,9013,6510 067,86
Ebes40,95168,010,780,007,123 922,4327,773 737,428,553 991,15
Egyek13,89548,2033,520,004,015 488,5328,504 896,720,005 530,91
Esztár26,10522,450,270,001,942 563,158,502 038,430,062 597,75
Földes43,351 515,888,07375,7112,197 375,11131,875 838,410,327 926,04
Furta162,581 101,040,000,003,562 271,510,001 166,910,002 434,09
Fülöp603,79297,631,730,0029,691 387,840,001 056,732,061 991,63
Görbeháza2,25653,180,000,0038,543 228,940,002 537,220,003 231,19
Hajdúbagos280,25194,1724,560,0019,971 163,6712,00913,768,181 455,92
Hajdúböszörmény1 561,593 104,0228,00159,2528,5523 637,46124,2020 358,6389,4625 482,50
Hajdúdorog86,74994,00376,080,0033,5210 100,351,508 566,881,1410 188,59
Hajdúhadház2 143,5168,00227,230,0047,283 265,841,542 857,7360,245 410,89
Hajdúnánás389,766 438,7173,81114,4219,7724 098,4874,2617 519,371,3524 676,93
Hajdúsámson370,10322,2835,641,0040,361 604,261,901 178,4326,061 977,27
Hajdúszoboszló130,202 833,7049,76468,2011,8118 177,30130,9815 271,582,0718 906,68
Hajdúszovát15,42336,201,330,001,333 077,1112,502 736,561,633 105,02
Hencida68,08458,930,000,000,002 147,838,411 688,830,062 224,32
Hortobágy1,1616 194,040,144 880,202,2818 919,901 524,872 723,370,0725 326,13
Hosszúpályi466,67482,020,475,0023,112 839,8321,122 331,532,033 332,62
Kaba18,33495,892,350,006,304 594,0646,194 088,780,754 658,58
Kismarja18,98371,630,430,0011,77990,401,00605,680,871 010,38
Kokad407,0716,440,000,004,06982,360,24958,473,291 389,67
Komádi181,90651,022,0321,0730,987 506,131,006 820,501,507 710,11
Konyár7,09628,321,390,004,931 768,880,451 132,291,431 776,43
Körösszakál6,50209,903,530,006,971 308,710,001 088,160,001 315,21
Körösszegapáti45,49262,560,140,0010,341 771,610,001 498,320,191 817,10
Létavértes602,02552,215,832,3458,476 723,107,836 081,1521,957 335,29
Magyarhomorog9,80187,310,350,007,131 848,080,001 651,480,161 857,88
Mezõsas22,38349,420,200,005,361 049,480,00694,500,001 071,86
Mikepércs262,35334,212,720,035,631 657,810,801 310,094,861 920,99
Monostorpályi930,41164,722,730,0014,801 020,390,00820,3814,181 950,80
Nádudvar83,094 145,911,430,0011,1212 073,79170,597 915,040,0012 327,48
Nagyhegyes3,32286,872,091,002,482 501,212,612 209,580,142 508,14
Nagykereki19,73329,140,680,0013,041 542,970,001 199,950,001 562,70
Nagyrábé70,65402,881,501,9012,533 676,361,003 253,192,203 749,91
Nyírábrány659,34567,6116,230,0056,351 655,740,001 009,046,322 315,08
Nyíracsád632,83159,7346,490,0012,181 382,840,241 152,291,772 015,91
Nyíradony2 373,12250,19144,710,0023,402 328,791,991 872,724,244 703,90
Nyírmártonfalva712,10204,1117,350,0016,221 069,532,00828,422,571 783,63
Pocsaj3,55651,860,340,0017,612 966,912,002 296,120,732 972,46
Polgár376,072 180,875,880,007,736 215,841,644 016,900,566 593,55
Püspökladány186,373 047,1716,780,0015,1213 064,530,009 983,730,6713 250,90
Sáránd79,38275,281,300,0010,55986,840,50691,497,231 066,72
Sárrétudvari7,20425,150,050,008,864 918,030,004 483,970,004 925,23
Szentpéterszeg1,50399,090,000,0010,291 515,1410,001 105,450,201 526,64
Szerep24,09216,366,540,006,172 577,970,002 348,900,002 602,06
Téglás229,17212,754,256,507,571 720,8014,431 484,338,771 970,90
Tépe2,59573,410,080,007,022 280,831,501 699,450,642 284,92
Tetétlen0,00314,650,120,004,671 863,1334,121 543,670,031 897,25
Tiszacsege21,653 193,1822,870,004,207 550,932,504 330,300,177 575,09
Újiráz131,95582,670,400,009,844 134,530,003 541,590,024 266,48
Újszentmargita10,00471,940,563,7028,561 465,256,50964,170,021 485,45
Újtikos162,74701,760,000,000,822 092,610,001 390,030,002 255,35
Vámospércs631,00432,6410,860,0015,791 818,350,421 328,4726,392 449,77
Váncsod12,07706,790,000,0011,522 741,340,002 022,190,862 753,41
Zsáka66,861 214,490,000,003,622 812,7010,001 594,590,002 889,56


Livestock data in Hajdú-Bihar county (2010)

SettlementSize of LivestockCattlePigSheepHen
Álmosd7703874921612 705
Ártánd49227618422 110
Bagamér5452752774311 774
Bakonszeg2 6961316 6966 7074 451
Balmazújváros8 0474 5024 98212 634144 899
Báránd1 5591 2696612 3769 477
Bedõ167981052391 120
Berekböszörmény1 2417706181 61411 992
Berettyóújfalu5 8464 8141 6805 92560 517
Bihardancsháza10138531492 438
Biharkeresztes539373621 54116 754
Biharnagybajom2 4551 6091 6273 7739 574
Bihartorda1 2998681 8226513 237
Bocskaikert1403323102 648
Bojt46342193462 148
Csökmõ8903109211 9687 643
Darvas4411331401 6683 320
Debrecen76 76210 662115 42719 2391 864 338
Derecske5 3533 15012 0223 31723 903
Ebes18 0071 08360 0192 07011 803
Egyek2 1463444 61044740 199
Esztár1 3821 3514981505 768
Folyás113181232401 336
Földes8 1871 3001 1032 884325 505
Furta1 0651705534 7722 977
Fülöp1 0682871 23553321 514
Gáborján299204245573 305
Görbeháza1 395826323 59825 634
Hajdúbagos6988919592715 829
Hajdúböszörmény16 9577 27328 6618 209160 827
Hajdúdorog6 9732 6759 97013 96424 589
Hajdúhadház3 2953351 8733 00471 301
Hajdúnánás17 31511 09825 5169 16051 999
Hajdúsámson4 5952491 1391 15539 508
Hajdúszoboszló6 8773 9821 2057 243224 836
Hajdúszovát6 0271 44619 6111 38010 330
Hencida89982745274 888
Hortobágy3 9703 8911992 5465 583
Hosszúpályi1 2954976021 60719 676
Kaba1 3525641 0682 36214 544
Kismarja6362533851949 433
Kokad15913140293 870
Komádi3 3282622 0672 349233 264
Konyár6744762817254 827
Körösszakál5795932991812 817
Körösszegapáti9724732840028 284
Létavértes1 8117511 40076932 366
Magyarhomorog393698416503 237
Mezõpeterd2 127819 9859523 080
Mezõsas250152141 0773 510
Mikepércs52619827111710 101
Monostorpályi650463291 67114 911
Nádudvar48 9033 356111 3755 470221 233
Nagyhegyes9 2781 33725 1761 753319 373
Nagykereki4451212513228 099
Nagyrábé7611634221 66317 483
Nyírábrány1 7982591 0102 52729 967
Nyíracsád1 832901 4881 19334 152
Nyíradony4 105741 49769327 523
Nyírmártonfalva1 0722663472713 743
Pocsaj1 5611 29438118113 827
Polgár4 6717766485 227109 114
Püspökladány3 8382 7111 8654 86724 320
Sáp376431831 2484 101
Sáránd503221741 6179 119
Sárrétudvari1 7058259103 56221 568
Szentpéterszeg7583755741 6017 369
Szerep5732725956315 121
Téglás808738321 23413 658
Tépe8503883432 05311 063
Tetétlen348724262655 547
Tiszacsege3 1241 4976297 74938 251
Tiszagyulaháza1408703212 508
Told481191511 015
Újiráz1 2971 3524251774 532
Újléta272301253505 579
Újszentmargita736404231 73612 619
Újtikos3891111941 6091 976
Vámospércs1 62831985354226 068
Váncsod5753282751 7234 221
Vekerd1311556691 538
Zsáka1 237154507 0265 026
